The currency exchange rates are as follows:
1PKR 282.70000 283.00000 283.00000 282.70000 03:01 PM
2EUR 1.09603 1.09605 1.09605 1.09603 06:13 AM
3GBP 1.26532 1.26536 1.26536 1.26534 06:13 AM
4CHF 0.86147 0.86152 0.86152 0.86147 06:13 AM
5JPY 142.96100 142.96400 142.96300 142.96100 06:13 AM
6CAD 1.33473 1.33479 1.33479 1.33473 06:12 AM
7AUD 0.67486 0.67491 0.67491 0.67486 06:13 AM
8INR 83.25430 83.25970 83.25970 83.25430 06:12 AM
9SAR 3.75090 3.75160 3.75160 3.75090 04:12 PM
10AED 3.67250 3.67280 3.67280 3.67250 04:12 PM
The data shows the current exchange rates for various currencies as well as other financial market information. It is important to stay updated with these exchange rates, especially when dealing with international transactions or investments. The currency exchange rates fluctuate frequently due to various factors such as economic indicators, geopolitical events, and market sentiment.
In addition to the listed exchange rates, there is also data provided for stock market indices including KSE100, ALLSHR, KSE30, KMI30, KMIALLSHR, BKTi, and OGTi. These indices provide valuable information about the performance of the stock market in the respective regions. For investors, it is crucial to analyze these indices along with the currency exchange rates to make informed decisions about their portfolio.
Overall, the data presented reflects the dynamic nature of the global financial market and the importance of staying informed about currency exchange rates and stock market indices.